Commissioner Randall H. Erben
Randall H. Erben
Term Ends: 11/19/2025
Appointed by: Speaker
Randall Erben of Austin is currently an adjunct professor
at the University of Texas School of Law and Of Counsel with the law firm
of Erben & Yarbrough. Erben’s extensive career began with the San Antonio
law firm of Foster, Lewis, Langley, Gardner & Banack, Incorporated, where
he practiced commercial litigation and public law. After this, he engaged
in an impressive public service career which included serving as Texas’
Assistant Secretary of State, as well as Director, State of Texas Office
of State-Federal Relations for the Governor, and Acting Assistant Secretary
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Community Planning and Development.
Most recently, Erben served as Legislative Director in the Office of Texas
Governor Greg Abbott. He received his undergraduate degree from Princeton
University and his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law.